Wednesday, December 14, 2011
proudly present
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inexpensive local food
Visit Seacoast Dining Guide
Fremont Pizzeria
Route 107 Main Street, Fremont, NH
Sun-Thurs (11 am to 10 pm), Fri & Sat (11 am to 11 pm)
(603) 895 - 6313
"If you ever get to Fremont," a friend suggested, "you have to try our local pizzeria. It's where everyone goes." That makes sense. There is no other place to eat in this hidden historic New Hampshire town. There is a little convenience store, started in 182
0, but on the main drag, the faux Greek columns mark the only show in town. Lucky for Fremont, this is an eatery any town would love to adopt..
The menu at the Fremont Pizzeria is huge, which makes sense since the owners are feeding an entire town. We were told to get the pizza, but that was too obviously superb. I had a roast beef sandwichh instead, as tender and tasty as promised in the menu, although served without a pickle or potato chip. My companion ordered a vegetarian calzone. It did not come quickly, but when it did, it was a work of art. The vegetables and cheeses were baked deeply into a fresh flavorful loaf of bread. It was perfect -- crusty on the outside, soft and fluffy inside. It wasn't expensive. We spent $17 for two including huge Cokes and tax. The place is clean and open, yet everyone gets a comfortable booth. The scent of garlic fills the air. It's warm and friendly.What more can a town want?
Like a good neighborhood diner, the Fremont Pizzeria offers weekly specials. The menu says they serve prime rib every Friday. You can bet the people in town set their clocks by that event. Surprisingly there is a lot ot see ealong Route 107 that moves a little too fast and splits the historic little town in half. You'll find the pizzeria across the street from Ellis School -- a good location for them. We also noticed draft beer, a good thing for evening adult traffic. Fremont, for those who are planning a day trip, is off Route 101 near Raymond. Take Exit 6 and Beede Road to where it meets 107 -- and you're there. It is certainly off the beaten path, but worth the trip --take it from Penny Gourmet.
Photos by J. Dennis Robinson
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